Space Exploration - Topics 4-7

  1. 1. Planet discovered by Herschel's reflecting telescope in 1781
  2. 4. Type of electromagnetic radiation wave
  3. 5. Dark spots of the Sun with cooler temperatures
  4. 9. _________ radiation - Varying types of energy waves emitted by stars
  5. 14. Discovered the moons of Jupiter
  6. 15. High energy particles from the Sun that define the boundaries of the solar system
  7. 16. Type of electromagnetic radiation wave
  8. 19. Satellites not made by humans (the moon and the Earth)
  9. 22. Main component (element) of the Sun
  10. 24. Satellite that has travelled to the end of our solar system
  11. 26. Largest planet in our solar system
  12. 28. Shortest wave of electromagnetic radiation
  13. 29. The device or material that a rocket carries
  14. 30. The propulsion or force in a certain direction
  15. 31. The Sun is constantly going through ________ explosions
  1. 2. Newton "To every action there is an equal and opposite ________"
  2. 3. Rockets need a _____________ fuel to make them fly
  3. 6. Section of the rocket that drops off once its fuel is used up
  4. 7. Technology that electronically connects 2 or more telescopes to combine images
  5. 8. ______________ assist is a method of acceleration which enables a spacecraft to gain speed by using the gravity of a planet
  6. 10. Orbit of satellites placed about 36 000km above ground, and orbits the Earth once every 24 hours
  7. 11. Type of electromagnetic radiation wave
  8. 12. Longest wave of electromagnetic radiation
  9. 13. Smallest planet in our solar system
  10. 17. Large Hawaiian telescope that uses computers to combine images
  11. 18. Satellites made by humans (Hubble)
  12. 20. Satellite that has travelled to the end of our solar system
  13. 21. Attraction between objects
  14. 23. Satellites above Earth that can calculate your position on Earth within 30 meters
  15. 25. The ___________ the wavelength of light, the better the resolving power on radio telescopes
  16. 27. Tube that contains combustible material