Space Mind

  1. 2. Different appearances on the moon.
  2. 5. Not a _______ anymore
  3. 8. terrestrial Planets
  4. 9. Almost no Atmosphere.
  5. 12. The Biggest Planet.
  6. 13. The Planets revolves around it.
  7. 14. Hits the Earth on an angle
  8. 16. The sun,_______, and Full Moon Are aligned in perfect line.
  9. 17. The Path for the Planets
  1. 1. Divides the Earth into 2 sections
  2. 3. Study of Stars, Planets and Space
  3. 4. Keeps the solar system together.
  4. 6. When we first saw the Earth
  5. 7. Between Mars and ________.
  6. 10. From the Greek word "Wanderer"
  7. 11. Th hottest type of star
  8. 15. Mostly covered by Water (_____%)