  1. 2. also known as the red planet
  2. 4. farthest planet from the sun
  3. 5. star a star falling from the sky
  4. 6. giants planets that are made up of gases
  5. 7. fastest moving planet
  6. 10. biggest planet
  7. 13. bodies which move around the planets
  8. 15. the area beyond the Earth's atmosphere
  9. 16. island of stars spinning through space
  10. 17. lumps of ice and dust in space
  11. 20. slowest moving planet
  12. 21. piece of rock which do not burn up completely before falling to the ground
  13. 23. fastest spinning planet
  14. 24. lump of rocky material
  1. 1. planets with rocky surface
  2. 3. planet which spins clockwise
  3. 8. coldest planet
  4. 9. great clouds of gas and dust in space
  5. 11. bodies which move around the sun
  6. 12. way band of stars visible from Earth
  7. 13. a piece of glowing rock which falls from the space into the upper layers of atmosphere
  8. 14. also known as the blue planet
  9. 18. fixed path followed by the planets and moons
  10. 19. second biggest planet
  11. 21. smallest planet of the solar system
  12. 22. centre of the solar system