
  1. 1. a small object made mostly of ice, dust, gas and rock
  2. 4. a star and the biggest object in the Solar System
  3. 5. spiral galaxy where Solar System is located
  4. 8. the eighth planet from the Sun
  5. 9. a person trained to trawel in space
  6. 11. the third largest planet in the Solar System
  7. 13. the Red Planet
  8. 14. The fifth largest planet in the Solar System
  1. 2. the closest planet to the Sun
  2. 3. a large group of stars
  3. 5. a natural satellite which orbits the Earth
  4. 6. a mass of rock that moves around in space
  5. 7. the largest planet in our solar system
  6. 10. the second closest planet to the Sun
  7. 12. the second largest planet in solar system