
  1. 2. the duration of Earths revolution around the sun
  2. 3. I am the closest planet to the Sun
  3. 5. I was once a planet but and now a dwarf planet
  4. 7. making one complete rotation around an object
  5. 9. result of the pull of the moons gravity on Earth
  6. 11. one of the reasons the Earth doesn't fall into the sun
  7. 12. I am the planets closest to the Sun (2 words)
  8. 14. Earth's natural satellite
  9. 17. large pieces of rocks or metal
  10. 18. I am so tilted on my axis that I rotate on my side
  11. 20. I am made up of 70% water
  12. 21. giant balls of gas that can have actual and apparent brightness
  1. 1. I am almost the same size as my neighbouring planet
  2. 3. I am smaller than a comet and I orbit the sun
  3. 4. I have a large red spot on my surface that is a storm
  4. 6. Surrounded by a 1000 ring system made of water and dust
  5. 7. turning on an axis
  6. 8. I am the planets further away from the Sun (2 words)
  7. 10. largest star in our solar system
  8. 13. I am large and blue and green with large dark spots
  9. 15. Earth's tilt on its axis causes these
  10. 16. chunks of dirty dark ice that are mixed with dirt and grit
  11. 19. I have ice caps on my poles