
  1. 2. a luminous sphere of gas that has enormous mass
  2. 4. distance light travels in one year
  3. 7. The Milky Way is this type of galaxy
  4. 9. interaction between solar flares and earths magnetic field
  5. 10. 4th planet from the sun
  6. 11. how stars get their energy
  7. 12. planets revolve around the sun
  8. 14. what holds everything in the solar system together
  9. 17. gas giant with a red spot, 5th planet from the sun
  10. 19. type of galaxy that can have a variety of shapes
  11. 21. type of galaxy that looks like an ellipse
  12. 22. where stars are born
  1. 1. closest planet to the sun
  2. 3. once considered a planet, now a dwarf planet
  3. 5. unit of measurement, average distance from earth to sun
  4. 6. planets and sun revolve around the earth
  5. 7. violent eruption on the sun
  6. 8. sun's outer layer; a gradual boundary between sun and space
  7. 13. revived the heliocentric theory in the 1500's
  8. 15. the shape of the planets orbit around the sun, Kepler's 1st law
  9. 16. brightness that describes how we see a star from earth
  10. 18. large group of stars, gas, and dust held together by gravity
  11. 20. brightness that describes how large and hot a star is relative to others