  1. 2. a trip
  2. 3. like identification, know, find
  3. 7. The red planet
  4. 8. Next to you, next to your house
  5. 10. From A to B (e.g., 345,000 km)
  6. 12. A thing that helps you to do something (e.g., a hammer, a screwdriver)
  7. 14. Bigger than a galaxy, it's where everything is
  8. 15. A way to do something
  9. 17. A person who studies science
  10. 20. permit, let
  11. 21. All, 100%, complete, total
  1. 1. You can do it yourself, by yourself, not needing help
  2. 4. Not near, far
  3. 5. The name of the most famous telescope
  4. 6. A scientist who studies about the planets, stars, galaxies, etc.
  5. 9. Ours is called the Milky Way. There are many.
  6. 11. live, not die
  7. 13. A person who goes into space in a spaceship/rocket
  8. 15. Words, I got an email m________ from my friend
  9. 16. A tool for looking at planet and stars or galaxies
  10. 18. good points
  11. 19. A good point, something that helps you