
  1. 3. What galaxy are we in?
  2. 5. Made the telescope.
  3. 6. This planet is green blue and white.
  4. 8. What is the Milky Way made up of?
  5. 12. The first planet in our solar system?
  6. 14. Is the last planet in the solar system.
  7. 15. This planet is blue.
  8. 16. This planet has rings around it
  9. 17. How many planets in our solar system?
  10. 18. This planet spins differently to all the other planets
  11. 20. This planet is about half the size of earth
  1. 1. What are the first four planets made up of?
  2. 2. What the gas planets called?
  3. 4. Found the sun was not the middle of the universe?
  4. 7. We see it every night.
  5. 9. Discovered gravity?
  6. 10. There are four planets before this?
  7. 11. This planet is a blue/green colour.
  8. 13. Is the biggest planet.
  9. 19. The biggest star in our solar system?