
  1. 2. Way The galaxy we live in
  2. 3. The hottest planet
  3. 5. The red planet
  4. 8. The largest planet
  5. 10. the things that orbit the sun
  6. 13. A object in orbit around the earth or another planets in order to collect information
  7. 16. A person that goes to outer space
  8. 17. The objects that orbits around Saturn
  9. 18. The planet we live on
  10. 19. The mode of transport to the moon
  1. 1. A system of millions or billions of stars
  2. 2. A rocky ball that orbits earth
  3. 4. The 7th planet
  4. 6. Our star
  5. 7. A tool to see objects in space
  6. 9. The god of the sea
  7. 11. I'm no longer a planet
  8. 12. The force that keeps us on the ground
  9. 14. Something in the night sky
  10. 15. hole The object in the middle of all galaxy's