
  1. 4. the people that go up to space
  2. 8. hole the collapsed core of a massive star
  3. 9. a space vehicle that travels space
  4. 12. the eight and farthest planet from the sun in the solar system
  5. 13. the study of the universe
  6. 15. an imaginary belt across the sky in which the Sun, Moon, and all of the planets can always be found
  7. 16. it is famous for its rings
  8. 18. the seventh planet from the sun
  9. 21. a chunk of frozen gasses, ice, and rocky debris that orbits the Sun.
  10. 22. the red planet
  1. 1. the dwarf planet
  2. 2. very hot, fluid rock
  3. 3. the galaxy that contains our solar system
  4. 5. the death explosion of a massive star
  5. 6. the planet we live on
  6. 7. largest planet in our solar system
  7. 10. the star at the center of the solar system
  8. 11. rock a rock that was once molten
  9. 14. it is the smallest and the closet to the sun
  10. 17. a fracture or crack in a planet's surface caused by extension
  11. 19. unidentified flying object
  12. 20. the planet is named after a roman goddess of love and beauty