
  1. 4. when a star can no longer support itself
  2. 5. a cloud of interstellar gas and dust
  3. 7. a giant star towards the end of its life
  4. 10. A star collapses so much that protons and electrons combine to form neutrons
  5. 11. is the zone from which the sunlight we see is emitted
  6. 13. The innermost layer of the sun
  7. 14. The outermost layer of the sun
  1. 1. the star undergoing such an explosion.
  2. 2. an extremely large star
  3. 3. an object in space so dense that its escape velocity exceeds the speed of light
  4. 6. red circle around the outside of the sun
  5. 8. a series of star types to which most stars belong, represented on a Hertzsprung–Russell diagram as a continuous band extending from the upper left (hot, bright stars) to the lower right (cool, dim stars).
  6. 9. A star that has undergone gravitational collapse
  7. 10. a star that suddenly becomes thousands of times brighter and then gradually fades to its original intensity.
  8. 12. any of a vast number of space objects that are visible in the clear night sky