
  1. 4. / A group of stars
  2. 5. / How much matter contains
  3. 8. / A star that flares
  4. 10. / Center of our Solar System
  5. 11. / A rock orbiting a sun/star
  6. 12. Way / Our galaxy
  7. 13. / Gaseous area surrounding a planet
  8. 18. / Smallest particle of any element
  9. 19. / The compactness of matter
  10. 21. / A small frozen mass of ice and dust revolving around a sun
  11. 24. / A cloud of gas and dust
  12. 26. / When the view of one object is block by another object
  13. 27. / The path that an object takes
  1. 1. Year / The distance a ray of light can travel
  2. 2. / A super bright explosion of a star
  3. 3. / We have many man made object orbiting the Earth
  4. 6. / One orbits Earth
  5. 7. / A group of stars, gas, and dust held by gravity
  6. 9. / 92 known of them
  7. 14. / An object from space that falls into the Earth
  8. 15. / Earth is our _____
  9. 16. / Negative particle
  10. 17. Rays / Extremely hazardous rays
  11. 19. / When the sun shines on us
  12. 20. / When the moon faces us
  13. 22. Flare / Eruptions on the Suns surface
  14. 23. Star / A star that orbits another star
  15. 25. Hole / Region of space from which nothing, including light, can escape