
  1. 4. A full moon refers to a (....) of the moon.
  2. 7. There are how many days in a (...)
  3. 8. Satellite What is a satellite called that is man made?
  4. 10. What is it called when the sun is between the moon and the earth?
  5. 12. When the sun passes over the equator this is known as the (...).
  6. 13. What motion is the backwards motion of planets?
  7. 17. What is an object in orbit called?
  8. 19. Summer, autumn, winter ,spring are all.
  1. 1. What is the eclipse when the moon passes directly behind the earth.
  2. 2. What is the force that pulls you down?
  3. 3. What is the path called that an object takes in space when it circles a planet?
  4. 5. What theory places the sun as the centre of the universe?
  5. 6. 366 days in a (....) year.
  6. 8. What is the imagery lines about which a body rotates?
  7. 9. What model describes where earth is at the orbit centre.
  8. 11. What orbit is shaped like an oval?
  9. 14. The motion of one body around another is called a (....).
  10. 15. The ocean and the moon have these.
  11. 16. The amount of matter in an object.
  12. 18. Monday is a (...) of the week.