Spanish 1

  1. 2. Your face is on the front of this.
  2. 5. Where you sleep.
  3. 6. When something is difficult.
  4. 9. Your physical form.
  5. 13. When you leave.
  6. 15. What you sleep under.
  7. 16. You use one of these to look at yourself.
  8. 18. A part of your hand.
  9. 19. What loudly wakes you up each morning and tells time.
  10. 20. You do this when your hair is tangled.
  11. 22. Where your facial features are located.
  12. 23. Where you put your food to eat it.
  13. 24. A part of your head that allows you to hear.
  1. 1. What it is called when something is not clean.
  2. 3. You do this when you are tired.
  3. 4. You do this when your alarm goes off.
  4. 7. Pure or fresh.
  5. 8. You lose your baby versions of these.
  6. 9. Cleans your teeth.
  7. 10. Where your food goes after being swallowed.
  8. 11. A part of your body that allows you to walk
  9. 12. A part of your foot.
  10. 14. You use this to dry yourself.
  11. 17. A part of your face that allows you to smell.
  12. 21. You do this when you get out of a pool or the shower.