Spanish 2 choice work

  1. 1. I have to tune my _____ to what station I want
  2. 2. Me and my brother love to play ________
  3. 4. I have many pieces of _____ in my home
  4. 6. When I am tired I sleep in a ____
  5. 8. I use my ____ to see if I look ok before I go to school
  6. 14. I watch my show on my ____
  7. 15. When I listen to music I put my CD in ______
  8. 16. I use my ______ when I want to watch a movie
  9. 17. I listen to music with my ____
  1. 1. I mop my _____ when they're dirty
  2. 2. I use my ___ to get to the next story in my house
  3. 3. I sleep on my ____ when I am at a sleepover
  4. 4. I have a ______ when you walk into my house
  5. 5. I keep my clothes in a ________
  6. 7. I have all of my trophies on my ____ in my room
  7. 9. I sit in my ________ while I watch my movie
  8. 10. I ony have my ____ when I read
  9. 11. We eat at a ______ for dinner
  10. 12. I live on ____ 3 in my apartement
  11. 13. I close my ____ when I am going to bed