
  1. 3. Female Off-Spring of Aunt or Uncle
  2. 5. Parent of Father or Mother
  3. 6. Feline pet
  4. 8. Parent of Father or Mother
  5. 10. Daughter of your kid
  6. 13. Male Sibling
  7. 14. Son of your sibling
  8. 16. Lots of People you're Related to
  9. 19. Canine pet
  10. 20. Male Off-Spring
  11. 21. Married Male
  1. 1. Female Off-Spring
  2. 2. Male Off-Spring of Aunt or Uncle
  3. 4. Female Sibling
  4. 7. Sister of Father or Mother
  5. 9. Father of Off-Spring
  6. 11. Married Female
  7. 12. Brother of Father or Mother
  8. 15. Son of your kid
  9. 17. Mother of Off-Spring
  10. 18. Daughter of your sibling