Central America

  1. 3. Capital city of Belize
  2. 5. Before its independence, Panama belonged to this country
  3. 8. The smallest of the countries of Central America
  4. 9. The mountain range found in Central America
  5. 12. Capital of Guatemala
  6. 14. The largest of the countries of Central America
  7. 17. The name of 5 central american countries together after they won independence from Spain
  8. 19. The majority of people in Central America are a mix of Native American and European descent, called
  9. 21. This country started building the Panama Canal
  10. 22. Capital of Nicaragua
  11. 23. The most important part of the Central American economy
  12. 25. This country has the largest population of Central America
  13. 26. This country finished the Panama Canal
  1. 1. Capital of Costa Rica
  2. 2. This was a British colony until 1973
  3. 4. This Indian civilization built cities in Mexico, Belize, and Guatemala.
  4. 5. The first European to sail along the coast of Central America in 1502
  5. 6. Capital of El Salvador
  6. 7. Capital of Honduras
  7. 10. Capital of Panama
  8. 11. This country was originally called British Honduras
  9. 13. Mayan ruins in the north of Guatemala
  10. 15. The translation of Costa Rica
  11. 16. The poorest country in Central America
  12. 18. The most developed countries in Central America are Costa Rica and
  13. 20. the main language in all of Central America
  14. 24. The currency of Guatemala