Spanish American War Review

  1. 3. Belief a country should stay out of the world's affairs
  2. 6. This treaty officially ended the Spanish-American War
  3. 8. Wrote the "frontier thesis" and argued that exploration helps define America
  4. 10. McKinley was a victim of this; only happened four times in history
  5. 12. Served as governor of the Philippines; practiced Dollar Diplomacy
  6. 14. Term meaning to take over; take control of
  7. 16. This caribbean island became a US territory following the war
  8. 17. Style of camps and prisons used by the Spanish to keep the Cuban rebels in line
  9. 18. Everyone's favorite Native American member of the Rough Riders
  10. 20. Belief that a country should expand its empire, take on colonies
  11. 21. Leader of the movement for Cuban independence from Spain
  12. 23. Group of battleships commissioned by Roosevelt to "flex" on the rest of the world
  13. 25. Led a revolt against the United States in the Philippines after the Spanish-American War
  14. 26. This style of warfare in the Philippines was exceptionally brutal and costly
  15. 29. System of free unrestricted trade negotiated by John Hay between China and the US
  16. 30. Roosevelt's style of diplomacy; use of military might if needed
  1. 1. Following the war, this feeling that we were the best in the world began to grow
  2. 2. The Platt Amendment established Cuba as this "sort of" colony of America
  3. 4. Nicknamed the Spanish Butcher; responsible for horrible treatment of the Cuban natives
  4. 5. Battleship whose sinking started the war
  5. 7. Roosevelt won one after his "involvement" in the Russo-Japanese war
  6. 9. Group of soldiers in the Spanish-American War led by Theodore Roosevelt
  7. 11. This group spoke out fiercely against expansion and colonies following the Spanish-American War
  8. 13. We struck gold here; many felt this proved expansion was worth it
  9. 15. Style of reporting meant to sensationalize, even outright lie
  10. 19. Site of a rebellion in 1893 that saw the US overthrow a queen
  11. 22. Site of rebellion against American following the Spanish-American War
  12. 24. The Spanish used these soldiers fighting solely for the paycheck
  13. 27. Believed leading through morality and good example was the best foreign policy
  14. 28. Deemed the Spanish-American War a "splendid" success