Spanish Crossword.

  1. 2. What month Thanksgiving is in.
  2. 7. Common food eaten on Thanksgiving.
  3. 8. Who you eat dinner with on Thanksgiving.
  4. 9. What you can put in a turkey, or eat it plain.
  5. 10. The Monday after Thanksgiving.
  6. 11. What season Thanksgiving is in.
  7. 12. Common decoration For Thanksgiving. Often holds a lot of food.
  8. 13. Often in a salad, kids don't like eating them.
  9. 14. Common side dish on Thanksgiving.
  10. 15. Often made out of eggs and vegetables.
  1. 1. Friday after Thanksgiving.
  2. 3. Sweet potato's
  3. 4. Where you watch a lot of people on floats walk by.
  4. 5. What type of bread is commonly eaten on Thanksgiving.
  5. 6. Common dessert at Thanksgiving.