Spanish crosswords

  1. 1. My teacher won't get up from her....
  2. 4. where do you put loose leaf paper?
  3. 6. What do you it dinner on?
  4. 8. what was given to you when you were born?
  5. 10. You can write on it.
  6. 11. what's at the end of your pencil?
  7. 12. I wanna measure how long I drew this line anyone got a...
  8. 13. I wanna put this back together but glue is to sticky what do i use?
  9. 16. what do you use when you wipe a big white board?
  10. 17. what do you read when at the library?
  11. 19. what do you wear on your back to school?
  12. 21. What's another word for expo?
  1. 2. what do you write your notes in?
  2. 3. What do you pledge to at school?
  3. 5. My teacher said I can't use pencil so i'm going to use...
  4. 7. what is at the end of your name?
  5. 9. I need to glue my pictures onto a...
  6. 14. My little brother still colors with....
  7. 15. I'm tired I wanna sit on?
  8. 18. I need to cut my paper with...
  9. 20. My friend ask for one of my lapiz so i'm going to sharpen it and give it to her.