Spanish II: Unidad 1 y 2 Repaso (Unit 1 & 2 Review)

  1. 3. "To like" in Spanish
  2. 5. Sunday in Spanish
  3. 8. Twenty
  4. 10. A word that looks, sounds, or appears like the language you speak.
  5. 11. Means "I am" in Spanish
  6. 12. The type of accent that goes on vowels
  7. 13. Mr. Alexander's favorite season, Summer
  8. 16. The double N accent in Spanish
  9. 18. Means weather or time in Spanish
  10. 19. Means "nose" in Spanish
  1. 1. Subject-verb agreement
  2. 2. Means "body" in Spanish
  3. 4. "90" in Spanish
  4. 6. Means "white" in Spanish
  5. 7. "To have" in Spanish
  6. 9. The type of language Spanish is (which empire?)
  7. 11. Means "to be" in Spanish
  8. 14. January in Spanish
  9. 15. The word for "week" in Spanish
  10. 17. letter H (this makes it special)