Spanish quiz!

  1. 1. Spanish - English: A mi me gusta _____
  2. 3. Spanish - English: Nesicito ir al _____ cuando tomo muy agua.
  3. 4. English - Spanish: often gets confused with the Spanish word for dog
  4. 8. Spanish - English: En la clase de ciencias, nesicito mis ________.
  5. 9. English - Spanish: The House ____ Meats
  6. 10. English - Spanish: The question and the answer are the same word, but the answer has a space.
  7. 12. English - Spanish: I like pasta. Do _____ pasta?
  8. 16. English - Spanish: The math teacher loves _____ math
  9. 17. English - Spanish: ____ or not _____, that is the question (William Shakespeare)
  1. 1. English - Spanish: not to be confused with the Spanish word for your bottom
  2. 2. Spanish - English: ¡Es una _____!
  3. 3. Spanish - English: Billy y las _____ (un canocion de SeñorWooly)
  4. 5. Spanish - English: _______ los pantelones me quedan pequeños...
  5. 6. Spanish - English: ________ camistas cuestan cinco dolares.
  6. 7. English - Spanish: We are _____ in the jungle.
  7. 9. Spanish - English: La ______ sacar los dientes cuando tienes una caries.
  8. 11. English - Spanish: When you have a cough, your ____ hurts
  9. 13. Spanish - English: Lavas los dientes? Tienes muy mal _____.
  10. 14. Spanish - English: Me _____ la boca cuando hablo más que yo quiero.
  11. 15. English - Spanish: something you will appreciate in the winter and the name of a character on SeñorWooly