Spanish Termanology

  1. 1. what do u look at for directions in Spanish class.
  2. 2. square shaped and filled with pages.
  3. 3. where do you sit at in class.
  4. 7. this needs tooken out when filled, if not then it will stink.
  5. 9. something you take after learning a topic.
  6. 11. something that keeps months and dates.
  7. 15. carries supplies and goes on your back.
  8. 17. you use this to connect paper together with thin metal.
  9. 18. almost every building has this when u look up.
  10. 19. Something good you need to pass a class.
  1. 1. someone who gives others knowledge.
  2. 4. used to draw on in class with little pieces of chalk.
  3. 5. a person that goes to school to learn.
  4. 6. you use this on the sidewalk as a kid.
  5. 8. close this back when u walk in the classroom.
  6. 10. clears mistakes on a paper.
  7. 12. what does the principle speak through to talk throughout the school.
  8. 13. has hands and tell time.
  9. 14. something liquid that makes things stick after a period of time.
  10. 16. something you put all your work from a class in.