Spanish Unit 10 College 101

  1. 4. Pouring, old man snoring....
  2. 6. boom, clap, lighting, rumbles...
  3. 9. (blank) skate, frozen water...
  4. 12. yellow, ball of gas, warm...
  5. 15. the snow does this in the spring, ice cream does this on a hot day...
  6. 17. Middle of winter weather
  7. 20. Christmas, white, cold....
  8. 22. Summer weather
  9. 23. The white puffy thing in the sky...
  10. 24. bright, ouch my eyes, sunglasses...
  11. 25. Desert, water needed, summer....
  1. 1. This word means wind
  2. 2. Blue, has clouds in it...
  3. 3. Tornado
  4. 5. degrees, thermometer....
  5. 7. Thunder comes after the...
  6. 8. It blocks the sun...
  7. 10. puddles, droplets, clouds....
  8. 11. (blank) bank, sledding, winter weather...
  9. 13. pieces of ice falling from the sky...
  10. 14. Brrr, Hot cocoa, coats, hats....
  11. 16. Thunder (blank), Snow (Blank)....
  12. 18. dancing leaves, woosh....
  13. 19. Rainforests, sticky....
  14. 21. can't see through, school sometimes close because of it...
  15. 24. no water, no rain, like the saharra desert...