Spanish Vocab

  1. 2. - a broom with water
  2. 3. - You write with this
  3. 6. - You pledge to these things
  4. 7. - Teachers use this to grade with
  5. 10. - You only use this on your computer for words
  6. 12. - They contain people in them
  7. 13. - You hate these
  8. 16. - Someone in your class that's a boy
  9. 17. - Male Professor
  10. 18. - You sit in them
  11. 19. - You measure things with this
  12. 20. - The thing on top of an eraser
  1. 1. - You write on this
  2. 2. - Something you take to school on your back
  3. 4. - Women Professor
  4. 5. - Boy thats a friend
  5. 8. - Girl tats a friend
  6. 9. - Why you go to a a library
  7. 11. - You normally use these to store notes in.
  8. 14. - a girl or boy who goes to school
  9. 15. - Someone in your class that's a girl