Spanish Vocabulary

  1. 1. come here to report to the police
  2. 5. go here to buy furniture
  3. 8. where you get checkups for your health
  4. 10. a stop for a ship
  5. 11. get groceries here
  6. 13. go here to buy ice cream
  7. 15. you get it for your car to drive
  8. 17. a religious place
  9. 18. you walk on this
  10. 19. buy flowers here
  1. 1. go here for dead relatives
  2. 2. cars come from 4 directions to pass by
  3. 3. faster travel in car
  4. 4. to forbid
  5. 6. what cars drive on
  6. 7. go here to receive and store money
  7. 9. a place to park your car
  8. 12. it tells cars when to stop and go
  9. 14. politely asking someone to move
  10. 16. get news and information from