
  1. 2. A chiton is an item of clothing, a tunic that fastens at the shoulder
  2. 5. – members of a social class that were not citizens of Laconia and Messenia. Ecclesia – a political assembly of citizens from a city state.
  3. 8. Control of a country or organisation by a small group of people.
  4. 10. The ephors were the leaders of the Spartans.
  5. 11. The Spartiate was the elite state of full citizen soldiers.
  6. 12. The agōgē was the education and training program mandated for all male Spartan citizens
  7. 13. — a large wooden shield worn by troops in ancient Greece at different eras
  8. 15. – a mass military formation that was rectangular in shape
  1. 1. Rhetra: The Spartan Constitution. Lycurgus, the lawgiver, was supposed to have established it.
  2. 3. Helots were people of a higher social level than slaves, although they were nonetheless enslaved and held by the state. They were mistreated, and in some cases, murdered.
  3. 4. It was the Spartan council of elders
  4. 6. It was a spear used by the chief of the hoplites
  5. 7. A long double edged sword used by the Spartans
  6. 9. Hoplites were the soldiers of ancient greek city states
  7. 12. — the abyss into which malformed or handicapped babies were cast. They were dumped there because the military believed handicapped children couldn't contribute to war and were thus worthless.
  8. 14. - an ancient Spartan state organisation that enlisted the participation of young Spartan men.