Speak for the Trees

  1. 3. this tree produces edible seeds used for coffee, butter and chocolate bearing its name
  2. 4. this iconic flower climbs up the trunk giving it the appearance of a tree, its shapes and colors have symbolic meaning
  3. 9. Tarzan climbed these trees for its fruit; it's liquid is used for milk, oil and water
  4. 13. theme song from 'A Star is Born,'(1976); distinctive in the forest, these trees keep their leaves all year long
  5. 14. the image of this tree is of a religious archetype that connects to heaven and to all forms of creation, synagogues may be named after this tree
  6. 17. considered the national flower of Japan, their blossoms are a variety of sizes and colors often cultivated for viewing
  7. 20. a popular christmas tree with silver-blue needles, your cat won't like to climb it because of its sharply pointed leaves
  8. 21. this tree is easily identifiable with its distinctive fan shaped leaves, often depicted on canvas and pottery
  9. 22. these trees turn a spectacular orange in the fall, seen throughout Central Park
  10. 23. iconic tree that lined the drive to the plantation house in "Gone with the Wind"
  1. 1. overlooking Carmel Bay in Pebble Beach, this iconic windswept tree is known as ‘the most photographed tree,’ and possibly the inspiration for “The Lorax”
  2. 2. turn your yard into a tropical island with its slender trunk and feather like fronds that sway in the wind
  3. 5. known as 'redwood' trees, these trees grow throughout California; unfortunately, the trees located in the Santa Cruz mountains were devastated in the Lightening Complex fires
  4. 6. this tree is the center of a poignant story about a boy who innocently plays with it, but as he grows up, becomes more and more demanding of the tree
  5. 7. a collection of poems by Sylvia Plath; in this particular one, Plath seems to be noting comparisons between woman and tree during a fitting season
  6. 8. Buddha gained his enlightenment under this tree
  7. 10. In CA, these trees provide shelter, food and water to Monarch butterflies during the winter months
  8. 11. this is a dramatic looking tree that seems to be in a perpetual state of sadness; their branches form a round canopy
  9. 12. these trees were cut down for industry prompting the Once-ler to "speak for the trees"
  10. 15. An ancient species of trees living in the Fanghorn Forest, Treebeard was the oldest of its kind (Lord of the Rings)
  11. 16. the most often cited tree in the bible, its fruit is used in Mediterranean cooking
  12. 17. usually a conifer, this tree is seen in December in many Christian homes
  13. 18. these trees are known for their large tulip or star shaped flowers (like a bowl) in pink, purple, white and yellow; their fragrance in the spring and summer is heavenly
  14. 19. Georgia is the state known for this type of fruit tree