Special Education Acronyms

  1. 1. Visual Impairment
  2. 3. Physical Therapy
  3. 5. Developmental Disability
  4. 6. Specific Learning Disability
  5. 8. Functional Behavioral Assessment
  6. 10. Interim Alternative Educational Setting
  7. 13. Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
  8. 15. Autism Spectrum Disorder
  9. 17. Culturally and Linguistically Diverse
  10. 18. Assistive Technology
  11. 20. Early Intervention Service
  12. 22. Least Restrictive Environment
  13. 23. Office of Special Education Programs
  1. 2. Individualized Education Program
  2. 4. Telecommunications Device for the Deaf
  3. 7. Local Educational Agency
  4. 8. Free Appropriate Public Education
  5. 9. Other Health Impairment
  6. 11. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
  7. 12. Speech or Language Impairment
  8. 14. Emotional and Behavioral Disorder
  9. 16. State Educational Agency
  10. 17. Council for Exceptional Children
  11. 19. Traumatic Brain Injury
  12. 21. Speech-Language Pathologist
  13. 23. Occupational Therapy