Special Population

  1. 1. Thermoregulatory and vo2 max are three physiological differences between children and adults
  2. 3. Inflammatory condition that mainly affects the joints
  3. 4. what does the d stand for in read
  4. 9. Any of a variety of types of malignant neoplasm, most of which invade surrounding tissues, spread to several sites, and are likely to recur after attempted removal
  5. 10. The cumulative neural input to the central nervous system from mechanoreceptors that sense position and limb movement
  6. 14. is and observed deficit in Type 1 osteoporosis
  7. 15. fficiency the ability of the body's nerves to effectively send messages to the body's muscles
  8. 16. what does the r stand for in read
  9. 17. Metabolic disorder in which the body's ability to produce insulin or utilize glucose is altered
  10. 20. A set of two back to back exercises performed without rest in between
  1. 2. the precursor to osteoporosis and is indicated by lowered bone mass
  2. 4. A state of lost physical fitness, which may include muscle imbalances, decreased flexibility and/or lack of cor and joint stability
  3. 5. the muscle that acts as the main sourse of motive movement
  4. 6. Blood pressure of 140/90 or greater
  5. 7. and supine position should be avoided while working with pregnant woment
  6. 8. diabetes is when your body can't produce the correct amount of insoline
  7. 11. Degeneration of cartilage in the joints
  8. 12. fastest growing health problem in th U.S.
  9. 13. what does the a stand for in read
  10. 18. what does the e stand for in read
  11. 19. bone mass is one of the most important risk factors that influences osteoporosis