Spectacular Spring Season Crossword Puzzle! Suggested Grades: 3-5.

  1. 2. This falls from the sky during the spring season.
  2. 4. _____ are a popular red and sweet fruit in the shape of a triangle that are in season during spring.
  3. 6. This animal hops around, has a fluffy tail, and is seen more often during springtime.
  4. 8. What item protects you from the rain?
  5. 10. This is the name of a coat worn when it rains.
  6. 12. What month does spring start?
  7. 14. April Fools' Day is on the _____ day of April.
  8. 15. What animal can predict an early spring?
  9. 16. This sport starts in the spring.
  10. 17. Spring _____ brings warmer temperatures and more sun.
  11. 19. What color eggs do Robins lay?
  12. 21. It is fun to fly a ____ on a windy spring day!
  13. 22. This season comes after spring.
  1. 1. Spring is a good time to grow a _____ with fruits and vegetables.
  2. 3. _____ plant crops in the spring season.
  3. 5. What animal comes out of hibernation in spring?
  4. 6. This animal makes nests in the spring.
  5. 7. This season comes before spring.
  6. 9. Daylight lasts _____ in the spring.
  7. 11. Rain _____ can be worn on your feet when it's rainy outside.
  8. 12. Spring is very _____ because of melting snow, rain, and dirt.
  9. 13. What can appear in the sky after a spring storm?
  10. 14. "April showers bring May _____."
  11. 18. Spring lasts for _____ months.
  12. 20. What comes back on trees in the spring season?