Speech and Debate 3

  1. 2. Vocabulary: Using impactful, precise language.
  2. 4. An emotional appeal to the audience.
  3. 8. Repeating words or phrases for emphasis.
  4. 11. Logical appeal or reasoning used in arguments.
  5. 12. Contact: Maintaining visual connection with the audience.
  6. 14. How the conflict is resolved in the speech.
  7. 15. An appeal to ethics, convincing by the character of the speaker.
  1. 1. The main issue or challenge faced in a story.
  2. 3. A structured format of storytelling in speeches.
  3. 5. Where and when a story or speech takes place.
  4. 6. The people or figures in a story.
  5. 7. The speaker's loudness level while giving a speech.
  6. 9. The events that make up a story's main action.
  7. 10. A compelling opening to catch the audience's attention.
  8. 13. The beginning segment of a speech, setting the stage.