Speed Phonics 9 & 10

  1. 2. what you see when you throw toast
  2. 4. a Chinese name; a question for time
  3. 5. where you come from; sounds like Ronnie
  4. 10. something that has music and lyrics; Jerry
  5. 12. my favourite thing to do at the weekend
  6. 13. a position in a race or in the army/police
  7. 14. something to test my knowledge; laid by chicken-Sam
  8. 15. a reason you find with your finger
  9. 16. I didn't goed, but I _____.
  10. 17. a gift you receive now
  1. 1. second person; a Jason
  2. 3. not short; a Chinese dragon
  3. 4. a Chinese name; a question about a person
  4. 6. a girl who gets everything wrong; what not checking causes
  5. 7. used for sleeping outside
  6. 8. a country that cannot fly
  7. 9. someone in fiction used to write Chinese
  8. 11. this animal can live on land or in water
  9. 13. zhuo chen's present continuous
  10. 17. a small lake