Spellimg Week 5

  1. 2. Sounds like'Hoarse'.
  2. 4. A place to stay.
  3. 8. A lab
  4. 10. A set of chemicals.
  5. 11. Something added to evaporate.
  6. 13. Come in a chemistry set.
  7. 15. To rust.
  8. 18. Water Vapor rising.
  9. 19. Where the dead's spirits go.
  1. 1. The feet of horses.
  2. 3. Sub________.
  3. 4. Double a quarter.
  4. 5. A place for sick people.
  5. 6. Something to hold on a bike.
  6. 7. Liquid-Solid.
  7. 9. Can be reversed.
  8. 12. Partner to a girl.
  9. 14. To be done too quick.
  10. 16. The line at the furthest place we can see.
  11. 17. Solid-Liguid.