Spelling #15 Crossword

  1. 4. not properly attentive
  2. 5. vocabulary distinctive to a particular group of people
  3. 8. free from error; absolutely dependable
  4. 10. thoughtful; melancholy
  5. 11. deeply affecting, touching; keen or sharp in taste or smell
  6. 12. having a longing for things past
  7. 14. firmly established by nature or habit
  8. 18. native to a certain area
  9. 19. forgetful; unaware
  10. 21. noticeable or prominent in an unwelcome or intrusive way
  11. 23. to express sorrow; to grieve
  12. 24. extremely careful; particular about details
  1. 1. having or showing a wish to do evil to others
  2. 2. existing in name only
  3. 3. a hint, indirect suggestion, or reference
  4. 6. calm, peaceful
  5. 7. hopeful and confident about the future
  6. 9. feel intense dislike or disgust for
  7. 13. done without care; in a routine fashion
  8. 15. deadly, extremely harmful, evil; spiteful, malicious
  9. 16. not showing due respect for another person; impertinent
  10. 17. to refuse to give up despite difficulties
  11. 20. curious or inquiring
  12. 22. knowing everything; having unlimited awareness or understanding