
  1. 1. A small part of a cell used for making proteins.
  2. 3. Dad asks the Alexa to ____ something.
  3. 5. A narrow channel connecting two large bodies of water.
  4. 8. The traffic caused a ____ in our arrival.
  5. 11. Cars sometimes take the ____ to travel long distances.
  6. 12. Crossing the street illegally.
  7. 14. If cars are crossing, you should ____ on the sidewalk.
  8. 17. Christmas is a _____.
  9. 18. A circle has no ____ lines.
  1. 2. A small body in cells that contains pigment.
  2. 4. Cars drive fast around a ____.
  3. 6. Jacob would like to ____ more Bakugans.
  4. 7. A hoola-hoop goes around your ____.
  5. 9. Use the other side of the pencil to ____ you letters.
  6. 10. I love to eat hotdogs and watch ____.
  7. 13. Mom and Dad will ____ love you.
  8. 15. If you walk too long, your legs will ____.
  9. 16. One of the tiny hairlike structures of many cells.