3rd Grade Spelling Bee Final Round

  1. 4. - In Science, relating to or operated by electricity
  2. 7. - In English, it is to envy someone
  3. 8. - In Science, it is a mountain or hill with a crater which has magma inside and when erupted it becomes lava
  4. 10. - In Science, it occurs when light travelling through one material bounces off a different material
  5. 11. - In English, it is a water in a desert
  6. 14. - In Math, it is to multiply numbers
  7. 15. - In Science, it refers to any element of the physical universe which includes matter, energy, forces etc.
  8. 16. - In English, it is showing enjoyment
  9. 21. - In Math, any symbol that indicates an operation to be performed
  10. 27. - In English newspaper, it is a notice of death
  11. 28. - In English, it is formal or quiet
  12. 29. - In Science, it is a process of fining the answer to a question
  1. 1. - In English, it is to express regret
  2. 2. - In Science, it gives off a high degree of light
  3. 3. - In Science, able or likely to cause harm or injury
  4. 5. - In English, it is a process of transported
  5. 6. - In Math, it is to subtract numbers
  6. 9. - In Math, it is to divide numbers
  7. 12. - In Science, it could be found naturally and available in the environment.
  8. 13. - In Math, it is a part of a whole or represents a whole
  9. 17. - In Math, it is how you deal with the numbers or structure to solve a problem
  10. 18. - In Math, it is to add numbers
  11. 19. - In Science, a structure with a roof and walls, such as a house or factory
  12. 20. - In Math, it is identifying a number smaller or greater than the rest
  13. 22. - In English, it is called extremely beautiful
  14. 23. - In Science, it is made or produce by human beings
  15. 24. - In Math, it is a problem solving
  16. 25. - In English, it is the synonym of illegal
  17. 26. - In English, an expression of sadness, relief or tiredness
  18. 30. - In Math, a line parallel to the Y-axis, which goes from top to bottom and bottom to top