Spelling I-3

  1. 2. Go_____! I'm wrapping your presents.
  2. 3. Walk in the snow barefoot, and your______will be cold.
  3. 4. ______Poppins helped Jane and Michael. (not Mary)
  4. 6. The coldest season
  5. 7. Aurora liked to____in the forest.
  6. 9. Have you____ more warm clothes for the winter?
  7. 11. When the pioneers_____to Oregon, there were no cities.
  8. 12. We will go camping at Detroit_______.
  9. 15. Keyler likes to play with Joanna's baby______.
  10. 16. Aurora____with the birds.
  11. 17. Dominic and Andrea played with the penguins at the_____.
  1. 1. Long ago, men wore white_____all the time.
  2. 3. Snow White_____herself lost in the forest.
  3. 4. Abbreviation for Mister
  4. 5. Prince Philip watched Aurora as she_____.
  5. 6. Roy Rogers was a cowboy in the wild______.
  6. 8. Isn't rain____?
  7. 10. The geese are gone. They____south for the winter.
  8. 13. Do you prefer to____ or subtract?
  9. 14. Thumbelina was born in a tulip______.
  10. 16. Prince Philip fell in love with her_____.