Spelling J30

  1. 2. There were 15 _____ at the restaurant for people to sit at.
  2. 3. usually made of copper because they conduct electricity
  3. 6. people in charge of groups of individuals
  4. 7. The elephant weighed 2.5 _____
  5. 9. the Mediterranean, Black, and Baltic are examples of these
  6. 10. symbols standing for numbers
  7. 16. there are 60 of these in an hour
  8. 18. Algebra, geometry, and calculus are categories of _______
  9. 19. traffic lights and traffic signs are _____ for drivers
  10. 20. The Egyptians worshipped many ____ in their society.
  1. 1. beans, peas, and carrots
  2. 4. written thoughts are divided into these sections
  3. 5. In the Bible, Jacob had 12 sons who formed the 12 ___ of Israel.
  4. 8. The ____ on apples are fill with vitamins and fiber.
  5. 11. English, Russian, French are examples of what people speak
  6. 12. The sun ___ in the east and sets in the west.
  7. 13. Cats have retractable ____ on their paws.
  8. 14. Pi is an important value when dealing with ______
  9. 15. The ____ on fruits connect them to the plants.
  10. 17. We checked out at the 15 ____ or less line at Walmart.