Spelling Jan. 13 - 20

  1. 3. a presentation given in front of others to inform, persuade or entertain
  2. 7. to stay afloat in water
  3. 8. why you are doing something
  4. 10. the first part of your writing
  5. 12. can't be seen
  6. 14. the horizontal or vertical line on a graph
  7. 15. a plan to do something better
  8. 17. the numbers on the y-axis on a graph
  9. 19. something you want to achieve
  10. 20. to keep bothering someone verbally
  1. 1. data that is given in words
  2. 2. many
  3. 4. 2 things coming together to make one
  4. 5. data that is given in numbers
  5. 6. the head of a school
  6. 9. to live
  7. 11. students wear this at school to look the same
  8. 13. to be treated badly over and over again
  9. 16. the sections of a piece of writing
  10. 18. a cartoon image representing someone