SPELLING Lesson 4 ~ Puzzle 3

  1. 5. to measure the heaviness of; to consider carefully
  2. 6. a narrow channel; blood vessel
  3. 7. removal or lightening of something painful or distressing
  4. 8. to cause to accept as true or valid what is false or invalid
  5. 11. to become aware of through the senses
  6. 13. an open horse-drawn vehicle with runners for use on snow or ice
  7. 15. highest rank or office; greatest importance or influence
  8. 16. cause of suffering or distress
  9. 18. goods to be shipped; cargo
  10. 19. broad piece of defensive armor carried on the arm; protection or defense
  1. 1. a part of a whole; fragment; portion
  2. 2. conviction of the truth of something; trust or confidence in someone/thing
  3. 3. to give up, surrender, or submit
  4. 4. a daughter of one’s sibling
  5. 6. a length of cloth worn as a face covering; a concealing curtain or covering
  6. 7. to come into possession of, acquire; to accept
  7. 9. one living or located near another
  8. 10. the inside overhead part of a room; the perceived limit
  9. 12. one that steals, especially stealthily or secretly
  10. 14. one authorized to perform the sacred rites of a religion
  11. 17. one more than seven