Spelling list #11 and #12

  1. 2. The love of thunderstorms
  2. 5. The love of Snow
  3. 8. The love of trees
  4. 12. If you drink too much soda, you get stones in them.
  5. 13. The love of Noise or sounds
  6. 15. In Greek, the Word philia means “Friendship”
  7. 16. The love of cats
  8. 17. The love of vegetables
  9. 18. The love of Lightning, thunder
  1. 1. The love of Writing
  2. 3. The love of Poetry
  3. 4. The love of dogs
  4. 6. The love of air, flight, being in the air.
  5. 7. The love of England, English customs.
  6. 9. The love of stars
  7. 10. When you breathe in, they are filled with air.
  8. 11. The love of books
  9. 14. The love of colors