- 2. The love of thunderstorms
- 5. The love of Snow
- 8. The love of trees
- 12. If you drink too much soda, you get stones in them.
- 13. The love of Noise or sounds
- 15. In Greek, the Word philia means “Friendship”
- 16. The love of cats
- 17. The love of vegetables
- 18. The love of Lightning, thunder
- 1. The love of Writing
- 3. The love of Poetry
- 4. The love of dogs
- 6. The love of air, flight, being in the air.
- 7. The love of England, English customs.
- 9. The love of stars
- 10. When you breathe in, they are filled with air.
- 11. The love of books
- 14. The love of colors