Spelling Set 4-7 3/22/23

  1. 4. A math coordinate grid has 4 Roman ________(s).
  2. 6. My name has 4 _______(s).
  3. 8. In math, look for ________(s).
  4. 10. A person who lives to one ________ is called a centurion.
  1. 1. I am so tired. I was riding my bike _______ the wind.
  2. 2. Wonderful job. Give me a high ____.
  3. 3. Will ______ the test with a wonderful grade.
  4. 5. Eating breakfast in the _______ is my favorite meal.
  5. 7. Mind the gap. Watch your ____.
  6. 9. Is it ____ that a rat can squeeze through a tiny opening?