Spelling words

  1. 2. After a baby learns to crawl, he learns to _______.
  2. 3. What treasure did she ________ home from school?
  3. 6. He likes pancakes more ______ he likes oatmeal.
  4. 8. He needs to earn ten _______ dollars to buy the toy.
  5. 9. Please _______ your dirty dish to the kitchen.
  6. 10. You ________ obey your parents.
  7. 12. He always wants Dad to play a _______ after dinner.
  8. 13. Did you lock the back ________?
  1. 1. The only time he rode a _________ was with Dad.
  2. 3. He rode his bike around the __________.
  3. 4. For my birthday, I _____________ a new Lego set.
  4. 5. How much does that Lego set _________?
  5. 6. Please __________ your sister to help with chores.
  6. 7. Please ________ home for dinner by 5:30pm.
  7. 11. Did you ________ that letter back to Nana?