spelling work

  1. 4. Wicked or criminal
  2. 6. having a harmful effect
  3. 8. referring to someone unpleasant or embarrassed
  4. 10. angry and bitter
  5. 12. unpleasantly cold/ wet
  6. 14. making a problem worse
  7. 15. eager or quick to disagree
  8. 16. relevant to a particular matter
  1. 1. having little efficiency
  2. 2. based on random choice
  3. 3. reprimand severely
  4. 5. not producing the desired effect
  5. 6. Demand or specify
  6. 7. hostile and aggressive/angry
  7. 9. represent as being of small worth
  8. 11. appearing or found everywhere
  9. 13. freedom from a punishment
  10. 14. made abnormally thin/ weak