- 3. A series of events that together make a story.
- 4. Written stories about events and people that are not real
- 5. A type of book that contains a long written story usually about imaginary characters and events.
- 9. A place where books are available to borrow for free
- 11. A person who really likes to read and spends a lot of time reading.
- 13. The name given to a book
- 14. One of the parts that a book is divided into; each part has a number and sometimes a title.
- 15. One side of a sheet of paper with words of the story on it.
- 17. People who are admired because they are so brave.
- 18. An account of imaginary or real events that is told to entertain you.
- 19. Sounds or combinations of sounds that have meaning and are spoken or written.
- 1. A character in a story who does bad things.
- 2. A piece of wood that holds the books.
- 4. A book that is liked more than others.
- 6. Complete this sentence "I finished the _______ book".
- 7. The outer part of a book.
- 8. A story that is told through drawings with minimal text.
- 10. The writer of a book
- 12. A book that describes a crime and the process of solving it.
- 15. To make a book available to the public.
- 16. A person in a book