Spending Money

  1. 2. The money a company or store earns after paying its expenses.
  2. 7. Ph.V - To separate some money for a certain purpose.
  3. 11. The piece of paper you are given after buying a product and that is proof you have bought it.
  4. 13. A narrow space in a shop along which customers can walk and grab products from shelves.
  5. 15. The person who buys goods in a store.
  6. 16. To express how dissatisfied you are with sth. , especially a product or service.
  7. 17. "To be ...of cash" means not to have enough money.
  8. 18. The amount of money you usually borrow from a bank and which you must return within a certain time.
  9. 19. Adj. meaning damaged or in bad conditions.
  10. 20. "To make ends ..." is to have enough money by the end of the month.
  1. 1. A product offered at a very low or reduced price.
  2. 3. An amount of money you must pay after commiting a minor offense, such as a traffic offense.
  3. 4. The price...is the piece of paper showing the price a product costs.
  4. 5. The noun for "satisfy".
  5. 6. "To be ... for choice".
  6. 8. The place where you pay the goods you buy in a supermarket or grocery store.
  7. 9. To extract money from an ATM or a bank.
  8. 10. A ...price is one you consider ok, neither too low, nor too high.
  9. 11. An amount of money you get in exchange for returning a product.
  10. 12. A synonym for "expensive".
  11. 14. The noun for "see".
  12. 17. A person who saves money.