- 2. What ancient Egyptian city did the Sphinx terrorize?
- 4. Sphinx had this reptiles tail
- 6. From which group of Greek Goddesses did the Sphinx learn her riddles?
- 8. What wife of Typhon was Sphinxs mother?
- 10. What kind of questions would Sphinx ask?
- 11. What son of Gaia was considered Sphinx's father
- 12. Who sent Sphinx to Thebes?
- 13. Sphinx had this animals wings
- 1. What three-headed dog was Sphinx related to?
- 3. What word can "Sphinx" be translated to?
- 5. What part of Sphinx's body was female?
- 7. Who solved Sphinx's riddle?
- 9. What king offered his throne to whoever defeated the Sphinx?
- 12. What Egyptian city's plateau does the Sphinx guard?