Spoken Interaction

  1. 1. The spoken interaction section requires you to watch a____as a visual stimulus.
  2. 3. be the_______in the video
  3. 6. spend 3-4 minutes for_______
  4. 7. watch the video as____times as possible
  5. 8. it is simple to__________to get a better idea of what is happening
  6. 10. draw on your_______experiences
  7. 11. give_______personal experiences
  8. 12. your_______to react to the video
  9. 13. Take a _____
  1. 1. use appropriate__________
  2. 2. do not________in great detail
  3. 4. Remain eye_______
  4. 5. give your_________and reason
  5. 9. question________always relates back to the video
  6. 10. it is simple to_______the questions if you know the type of questions asked