- 3. The ways in which words are pronounced.
- 4. A social dialect or variety of speech used by a particular group, such as working-class speech.
- 8. The omission of a word or words from an utterance.
- 9. The distinctive grammar and vocabulary which is associated with a regional or social use of a language.
- 10. Related to body language – the use of gestures, facial expressions and other non-verbal expressions.
- 12. The slurring (eliding) of one or more sounds or syllables.
- 14. The specialised language and vocabulary of a particular job, profession or trade.
- 16. Words or phrases which soften or weaken the force with which something is said.
- 1. A word that is avoided because it is considered obscene or offensive.
- 2. A form of language appropriate to a particular situation or context.
- 5. Tone of voice: how flat or animated a speaker is.
- 6. A complete unit of talk, bounded by the speaker’s silence.
- 7. Items inserted in speech to allow time to think, to create a pause or to hold a turn in conversation (e.g. ‘um’, ‘er’).
- 11. An individual's personal word choices or style of speaking.
- 13. Used mainly in playful or casual speech; figures of speech are used in place of standard terms.
- 15. The speed at which an utterance is delivered.